Why working out at a steady pace won't get you results you want

For years it has been widely accepted that the best way to lose weight is to perform long, steady cardio sessions that keep your body in the so-called 'fat-burning zone'. the only problem is, such a zone doesn't exist.
   Think of it this way. A car burns fuel most efficiently at a steady speed on a motorway. It uses more fuel when driving in town - when you're forced to constantly slow down, stop and speed up. The same is true when it comes to your body and exercise.


To burn fat as efficiently as possible, you need to work in short, sharp bursts, whether this is when lifting weights, or doing traditional forms of cardio such as running, cycling or rowing. This stop-start method pushes your body out of its comfort zone so it can't burn energy in an efficient way and you therefore burn more calories.

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